732 569 0702


Your Partner in Building a Better Grid

Manufacturers Representative


Meter Test Equipment

Multi-position test boards to perform individual or simultaneous accuracy tests in the meter shop!  Meter Test Boards come standard with accuracy ±0.04% at unity power factor from 0.2A to 50A, ±0.02% typical.

Transformer Monitoring

The OptaNODE® family of products provides the key enablers for converting standard distribution transformers into Smart Transformers.  OptaNODE® provides  highly accurate visibility into the Distribution Grid

Advanced Metering Solutions

The Nighthawk AMI solution offers all of the advantages of smart metering without the need to build out and maintain a communications infrastructure.

Distribution Transformers

A full range Distribution transformers both single phase and 3 phase.  Solutions from 15 kVA to 167 kVA with high side voltages to 33 kV.  Both CRGO cores as well as AMT cores as well as Completely Self Protected Models

Inspection Solutions

Offering both drone based and AI software solutions let us help you eliminate the unknowns.  Using drone technology is safer, faster and less expensive than traditional inspection methods.


Advanced SCADA software and hardware solutions to give you enhanced visibility and control of your key assets.  Solutions are tailored to meet your needs without extra equipment and costs.  From simple RTU’s to comprehensive Advanced Distribution Management Solutions.

Focus Products

CB Associates has been working with utilities for over 40 years focusing on support and service.   From the early days we have focused on metering solutions and ancillary products supporting metering.  We are expanding our focus to include additional solutions that have evolved with technology such as drone based inspections.

Based in New Jersey, CB Associatescovers the Mid-Atlantic states including most of Pennsylvania, New England and New York.  Our goal is to assist in finding the right solution for each utility’s own unique needs.


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